Disfigured from a poor night’s sleep, Gerald now stands in front of the mirror pondering how to most effectively whip himself into shape. He deliberates whether to brush his teeth, thinking a rotten mouth may be a good defense against people standing too close. It is more difficult to see the seams in Gerald’s disguise from a distance of six-feet or greater. Gerald ultimately decides it is better to fit in than to be the topic of conversation at the water cooler.

Brush, brush, spit.

Now, facing his closet, Gerald reaches in and grabs the most ordinary suit in his closet - it happens to be the navy colored suit squeezed between two identical navy colored suits.

Swish, schwap, zip.

Once again, back in front of the mirror, Gerald looks himself in the eye. Today is the day. Gerald is going to blend in more than he ever has in his professional life. No one will question why he is in the office building. For all they know, Gerald is the best damn employee their company has ever seen. No one will question that Gerald doesn’t belong there. All of the employees take too much care to avoid eye contact in an attempt to maintain their own anonymity. They have number one to think about and they aren’t about to stand within six-feet of Gerald for fear of exposing their own seams.

In reality, those who dodge eye contact are lucky. Gerald is visiting the office today because he got a call from the powers that be. Today Gerald is going to terminate one of the office employees. This is why no employee is willing to look up, for fear of discovering the unfamiliar face of the person who came to see them.

Gerald pulls open the bathroom drawer to reveal a black pistol with a silencer attached. Today is a good day for masks.