A cynical man once said: Hands. With great power comes great responsibility. And fingers too.


What were they doing to Paul? Did they have some plat to turn him into a raging mass of pissed off human flesh?

These middle fingers and those middle fingers. That last middle finger made it a total of six for the day and it was only noon. Paul turned his knowing eyes from their directed anger, minding the power he held in his own hands. There was also the wretched, dank dog dung Paul slid through in his own front lawn this morning. The thought of those inconsiderate hands typing a coffee order into a mobile device instead of removing their dog’s crap from Paul’s lawn drove Paul insane.

Dreaming in daytime gave Paul the ability to push his anger down deep and thus avoid any unpleasant confrontations. Paul dreamed of collecting all the dog poop left behind by masters, of which there was plenty, and storing it in a vacuum chamber.

Paul kept a cartridge of dog crap on him at all times and if he ever saw someone shucking the responsibility of their dog’s poop removal from public grounds, Paul would load the cartridge into his poop sniper rifle and fire that crap near the head and neck area of the perp.

In the smaller pocket of Paul’s cartridge-holding fanny pack, he would always carry his magic finger correcting lasso. When anyone pointed an undeserved middle finger Paul’s way (Paul was a realist when it came to discerning the obscene gestures he had coming), Paul would whirl his magic lasso around the offending middle finger and turn it back on its owner. Along with being painful, this would enrage the mindless joker because, after all, who wants to be flipped off by their own middle finger.

This is how it went with Paul, stuffing his anger down deep until the day he actually walked out on a neighbor watching his dog take a dump on his lawn. There was no poop bag in hand. This chap watched his dog pinch it off and then continued walking down the sidewalk as if it hadn’t happened.

The pit of anger boiled in Paul as he charged toward the sidewalk.

“Hey!” Paul yelled.

The neighbor turned and faced Paul.

Paul brandished his poop canon and pointed it at the fellow, followed by his middle finger.