An odd man once said: This moment too shall pass, even if you have nothing meaningful to impress upon it.


The ground shook violently, opening an enormous crack at the base of the elementary school. The massive gash in the earth widened, inching its way closer to the brick building.

The sound of screaming children filled the air.

Principal Pickering emerged from the school house to find that the puncture in the ground had already expanded to the front door. The front steps leading to the door had been devoured. The school and all of the innocent children would be next.

Pickering needed to do something, but didn’t know what. The school unfortunately had only one door and for some strange reason was only constructed with only one single, itsy-bitsy window in the boys bathroom on the tenth floor.

Perhaps, Pickering thought, he could construct a bridge out of children and use it to cross the cavernous opening in the earth. Surely a few children would fall in, but many would escape.

While Pickering pondering his options, the children had formed a line and began tossing backpacks into the hole until the crevice in the ground decided it was full.