An odd man once said: When solving creative problems it is favorable to create a mind-share of more than a single person.


Weeble locked himself in a room for three weeks trying to solve the biggest challenge of his life. He simply could not come up with the answer. Meanwhile, as Weeble tortured his mind, all of the citizens on his planet had been painfully constipated for over a month. The stress began to wear on Weeble as the council had elected him, trusting he could solve their little problem.

Having hit a roadblock in his thought processes, Weeble invited his two best friends to join him in his quandary. Weeble wanted the fame and glory of saving the planet for himself, but the weight of his frustration moved him to call on Sobbee and Chow for help.

The three joined in a dark room and connected their thought patterns on one common goal. After an hour of silent thought, Chow removed an apple from his pocket and took a loud, crunchy bite. Weeble bellowed a disgruntled scream for Chow to keep quiet.

Then Chow farted and they had their answer.