An odd man once said: Beneath your disguise lives the entire story. You and me both.


I implore you to stay with me as I try my hardest to articulate the strangest story. This is the story of June, a ten-year-old with the ability to speak with mountains. The story ends when she becomes one.

It was May 31st when June saw the most incredible landscape imaginable. She was two-years-old, riding piggy-back in her mother’s child-carrying backpack. It was here that she first saw the mountains up close. This was when she decided, at the age of two, that when she grew up she wanted to be a mountain.

June would never remember this day, but when she was six, June began to build muscles on her shoulders anyway she knew how. June walked on her hands everywhere she went. She lifted her German Shepard, Charlie, over her head as often as she could. She even snuck into her Dad’s weight room solely to work on her shoulders.

June’s shoulders eventually grew so massive that they were higher than her forehead.

People looked at June in wonder, but no one ever knew why she wanted to look so much like a mountain.