A wise man once said: Finishing the final 1% is the most difficult part. Stay diligent when you arrive at the final step.


Miss Mable was set to become the most accomplished magician who ever lived on the lava covered planet of Tomak. Each time she would return to her teacher, however, she would learn that there is one final ability she must master. This had gone on for years, but today’s final lesson actually felt like it might be her last.

As Miss Mable swam off into the lava sea at her teacher’s instruction, she knew she would not be allowed to return without a dragon’s head.

After searching near and far, Miss Mable finally found the fiercest dragon on the planet to slay. Swimming up to the dragon with caution, she pondered which of a lifetime of spells she would use on the dragon that she might finally complete her training.

Seeing Miss Mable swimming toward him, the dragon let out a raucous roar. Upon hearing the longing, lonely quality in the dragon’s voice, Miss Mable finally understood her final lesson.

Using her magical quality of understanding, she mounted the dragon and flew away.