A wise man once said: The best answers are often the simplest. Nature prefers to exist in the most efficient way possible.


They were two pieces of the same puzzle. Diogo and Juna, however, were unaware that each held half of the solution to their problem. Each also held half of the problem.

The couple had been working overtime to complete their commissioned masterpiece for her majesty when all of their lights were extinguished. In the void of darkness, they could neither see the near-completed painting, nor each other. If Diogo and Juna could not deliver the finished artwork by daybreak, they would be shot.

Juna wondered aloud where the spare gas lamp was. She knew full well that Diogo had broken it accidentally the night before when he was sleepwalking. Diogo apologized to Luna, but none of this improved their current situation.

The tension in the room became unbearable as the two longed to look the other in the eye.

Nervously twitching about, Diogo discovered something in his pocket. It was a match. The two became excited and now they only needed something to light. Juna held her paintbrush close and Diogo lit it. They could now see it was their only paintbrush.